Ways To Use Less Heating Power This Winter

It may be your goal to save energy on heating this winter, either to keep your energy bills low or to not waste natural resources. Either way, here are some ideas on how you can cut down your energy expenditures this winter.

Use Alternate Heating Sources

Sometimes, alternative heating options can be helpful in this situation. Although you will pay to have these installed by a heating contractor upfront, they can benefit you in the long run by cutting down your electricity bill. Some of the best alternate, energy-friendly heating sources are:

  • Solar-Powered Devices

A solar panel can be connected to a heating device to power it. Your existing heater may be able to adapt to being partially powered by solar energy, when available, and powered by electricity the rest of the time. Speak with a heating contractor about how to incorporate solar power into your current system.

  • Geothermal Heaters

A geothermal heater can collect energy and heat from exterior temperatures and use it to heat or cool your home. Again, this is often best used as a supplement to an HVAC system rather than a replacement, but it may be able to replace your HVAC in a smaller area.

  • Heat Pumps

A heat pump is a great way to heat without using any energy for heating. The heat acts as a gradient to pump heat in or out, based on heating and cooling needs. If the internal temperature is too hot, for instance, a heat pump would send heat outside and reduce the need to mechanically cool the air.

  • Space Heaters

Space heaters can have an important place in heating if you have spaces that you barely use. You may not want to install ductwork to these areas, or you may keep the vents closed so that heated air is not wasted in these areas. When you do use these spaces, a space heater can help you stay more comfortable.

Fix Your Existing System

Finally, don't forget that if your heater isn't performing well, sometimes it's just a maintenance issue. Call a furnace repair team to see if they can see any obvious reasons for poor performance within your system. 

These ideas can help you save energy this winter and create a good system that will last for many winters to come. If you're unsure where to start in improving your current heating system, it's worthwhile to call an HVAC team to evaluate the condition of your current system, fix any glaring issues, and give ideas on how to make your system more efficient while sticking within your budget.

About Me

Cooling Your Child’s Playhouse

When I was a kid, I enjoyed going to my maternal grandparents’ home. Whenever I visited them, they always spoiled me by giving me sweet treats and toys. To store my many dolls, games, and sports equipment, my grandparents built a small playhouse in their backyard. I spent many amazing hours playing in this small building. Because I grew up in the southern United States where the weather gets extremely hot during the summer months, my grandparents also installed a wall air conditioner unit in my playhouse. So I would never have to worry about getting too hot while playing with my toys. I'd like to do the same with my grandchildren and am researching the best types of air conditioners to install in a playhouse.