Three HVAC Issues That Require A Plumber's Intervention

At first glance, most homeowners don't realize the connection between plumbing and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems. However, some HVAC components produce water as a byproduct requiring proper drainage. Therefore, pay attention to HVAC plumbing issues and engage a plumber promptly to prevent water damage.

Unfortunately, most HVAC drainage systems are tucked away, making it difficult for homeowners to pinpoint a problem. Therefore, for timely intervention, familiarize yourself with plumbing issues that can adversely affect HVAC systems. This post highlights piping failures that warrant immediate plumbing repairs to restore HVAC systems.

1. Clogs 

During operation, an AC unit accumulates water in a drip pan and diverts it to a plumbing system via a drain pipe. Therefore, schedule regular condensate drain pipe inspections to ensure unobstructed water flow. Contact a master plumber promptly if you suspect a clog in the piping system.

Some homeowners disregard professional plumbing services and opt for DIY solutions, especially for minor clogs. Nonetheless, if you neglect a clogged pipe, water will accumulate in an AC drip pan, leading to algae growth and foul odors. Therefore, report any blockages immediately to restore proper drainage and avoid water-related damages.

2. Leaks

Irregular HVAC system maintenance leads to component failure and causes leaks. Therefore, keep an eye on excessive condensation beneath or next to an AC unit since it indicates potential puncturing or disconnection of the condensate pipe. Call a master plumber if you notice water patches on the wall near an AC unit.

Condensate pipe leaks have dire consequences, including expensive wall repairs and a fire breakout if electrical wiring is close to an HVAC unit. Thus, call a plumber for immediate repairs and turn off the affected HVAC device for safety. Additionally, engage a service provider regularly to inspect, maintain, and repair condensate pipes to keep leakages at bay.

3. Frozen Pipes

Exhaust gases in a high-efficiency furnace cool and condense within the system. However, drainage issues cause water accumulation in the drain pipe, leading to frozen pipes in winter. As such, monitor indoor temperatures and call a plumber if you notice consistent low temperatures despite cranking up the furnace. 

Call a master plumber to inspect a furnace condensate pipe for poor installation since it is a leading cause of frozen pipes. Since furnaces are often installed in a basement or attic, clear the area before a plumber arrives for fast thawing and repair of the condensate pipe. Once a service provider restores a condensate pipe condition, keep the basement or attic well-insulated to prevent the pipe from freezing again.

About Me

Cooling Your Child’s Playhouse

When I was a kid, I enjoyed going to my maternal grandparents’ home. Whenever I visited them, they always spoiled me by giving me sweet treats and toys. To store my many dolls, games, and sports equipment, my grandparents built a small playhouse in their backyard. I spent many amazing hours playing in this small building. Because I grew up in the southern United States where the weather gets extremely hot during the summer months, my grandparents also installed a wall air conditioner unit in my playhouse. So I would never have to worry about getting too hot while playing with my toys. I'd like to do the same with my grandchildren and am researching the best types of air conditioners to install in a playhouse.